Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fully Alive

"Moments come and go so fast, but they are what make up the whole of life. Little bitty moments here and there. They turn into hours and days and weeks- ultimately an entire lifetime. When I consciouly think about that, it makes me want to slow down. Sometimes I can't slow down. I don't have the time to go slowly. But I capture a moment in a posstcard or photograph. Then, years later it all comes back to me as a sweet gift to myself.
Life is short and everything is irrevocable. No matter what we do to lengthen the moment we can't. No matter how eager we are to shorten uncomfortable events, that can't be done either. If we don't learn to live fully in the present, much of life passes us by, lost in the cobwebs of time forever. The passage of time can't be retrieved except in our memory banks. Thats why we must be all there at any given moment. Even during the times that are frightening or difficult.
Everyting has a purpose, and if we don't want to miss that purpose and the adventure along the way, then we must be conscious, alert, curious, open-hearted. When we capture the moment we're in, we're fully alive."
-Luci Swindoll (I married Adventure)

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